A. VLASITS, M. SYEDA, A. WICKMAN, P. GUZMAN, T. SCHMIDT. Atypical retinal function in a mouse model of Fragile X syndrome. 2024. bioRxiv.
M. KORYMPIDOU*, S. STRAUSS*, T. SCHUBERT, K. FRANKE, P. BERENS, T. EULER† , A. VLASITS†. GABAergic amacrine cells balance biased chromatic information in the mouse retina. 2024. Cell Reports.
S. STRAUSS*, M. KORYMPIDOU*, Y. RAN, K. FRANKE, T. SCHUBERT, T. BADEN, P. BERENS, T. EULER† , A. VLASITS†. Center-surround interactions underlie bipolar cell motion sensitivity in the mouse retina. 2022. Nature Communications.
Z. LIU, X. LU, V. VILLETTE, Y. GOU, K. COLBERT, S. LAI, S. GUAN, M. LAND, J. LEE, T. ASSEFA, D. ZOLLINGER, M. KORYMPIDOU, A. VLASITS, ET AL. Sustained deep-tissue voltage recording using a fast indicator evolved for two-photon microscopy. 2022. Cell.
C. BEHRENS, S. YADAV, M. KORYMPIDOU, Y. ZHANG, S. HAVERKAMP, S. IRSEN, A. SCHAEDLER, X. LU, Z. LIU, J. LAUSE, F. ST-PIERRE, K. FRANKE, A. VLASITS, K. DEDEK, R. SMITH, T. EULER, P. BERENS, T. SCHUBERT. Retinal horizontal cells use different synaptic sites for global feedforward and local feedback signaling. 2022. Current Biology.
A. VLASITS, T. EULER, K. FRANKE. Function first: classifying cell types and circuits of the retina. 2019. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 56:8-15.
A. MAUSS*, A. VLASITS*, A. BORST, M. FELLER. Visual circuits for direction selectivity. 2017. Annual Review of Neuroscience. 40. *Equal authorship
A. VLASITS. Excitatory Inputs to Starburst Amacrine Cells: Adaptation, Computations, Development. 2017. Dissertation.
A. VLASITS, R. MORRIE, A. TRAN-VAN-MINH, A. BLECKERT, C. GAINER, D.A. DIGREGORIO, M.B. FELLER. A role for synaptic input distribution in a dendritic computation of motion direction in the retina. 2016. Neuron. 89(6):1317–1330.
A. VLASITS, R. BOS, R. D. MORRIE, C. FORTUNY, J. G. FLANNERY, M. B. FELLER, M. RIVLIN-ETZION. Retinal adaptation alters excitatory input to starburst amacrine cells and switches their polarity. 2014. Neuron. 83:1172-1184.
A. VLASITS, M. SMITH, M. MALDONADO, S. BRIXIUS-ANDERKO. Supporting nonlinear careers to diversify science. 2023. PLOS Biology.
A. VLASITS, K. FRANKE. Unblinding with infrared nanosensors. 2020. Science. 368(6495):1057-1058.
A. VLASITS, T. BADEN. Motion vision: a new mechanism in the mammalian retina. 2019. Current Biology. 29(9):PR933-R935.
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